Receive the top remote job openings from the past 24 hours

Just send a “hello” to our chatbot.

Welcome to Findu

Findu is a WhatsApp chatbot that searches the web and sends you the latest remote job openings from the past 24 hours. To set up, just follow these steps:

Answer the questions the chat asks you.

When asked, “So, what keywords grab your attention in job post names? Separate the keywords by a comma,” enter the keywords you want us to search for in job titles, like “software, engineer.”

Next, the chatbot will ask what time you want to receive the messages. Reply with a number, such as “9” for 9 am or “22” for 10 pm.

Once your registration is complete, you’ll receive messages every day at the time you set.

Bonus: You can also set negative keywords in “(4) add/change negative keywords” to filter out jobs you don’t want to see.

Beta Version

This chatbot is still in development. If you have any feedback, please send it to my Linkedin.


+55 (11) 91309-6487